"Easy as Quicken . . . but made for farmers and ranchers."
The Evaluation Demo program is the complete "Farm Biz" Entry level Accounting program. Absolutely No Setup Required. Just install and enter your records. The Evaluation comes complete with a 269 page manual available for Printing or Viewing on Screen.
The "Farm Biz" Evaluation Demo is ideal for High School and College computer labs. A copy can be placed on each computer in the lab or on the students home computer. The Demo program can be taught in the classroom for the months of January through June. Call us toll free at 1-800-438-7371 to ask about having Educational Demo's sent to the school. The demo's only restriction is the months July - December are locked out so you can't enter the last half of the year unless you purchase the actual "Farm Biz" Program. An incredible value at $249. Teaching an Adult Ag Class and need to have the full year available . . . Ask about our Educational Quantity Discounts. School Discounts begin at quantity two (2).
"Farm Biz" was developed in cooperation with the Minnesota Adult Farm Management Instructors and specifically designed for students to transition from the "Farm Account Book" to home based computerized bookkeeping.
While some instructors, because of cost, believe that spreadsheets or programs like Quicken are the route to take, we have learned that students grasp record keeping and enterprise analysis much quicker using "Farm Biz". Therefore, instructors can devote their time to teaching family goals and induce student ideas for new & improved farm management rather than how to setup a chart of accounts or program a spread sheet.
"Farm Biz" is written in Microsoft's Access, thereby providing common ground for the instructor to create additional statistics for classroom charting and analysis. "Farm Biz provides the basics for migrating to our more powerful "Ultra Farm" accounting program. "Ultra Farm" exports directly to the "Finpack" program from the Farm Financial Center at the University of Minnesota.
The complete demo program is 40 meg. Download "Farm Biz" freeware. You need to have 80 meg free to install & operate "Farm Biz" on your computer. A Farm Biz Demo is available for $15.00, this ships complete with a Quick Start Guide, complete Chart of Accounts List, CD and Flash Drive for installation.
Please contact us, if you have the need for multiple CD copies for classroom distribution.
Here is what you get:
The Billing Data Entry has Dates, Invoice Number, and Vendor layout the same as Monthly Transactions. The bottom of the screen has the familiar buttons for Add New, Forward, and Back, etc.
You choose a Transaction TYPE and then pick an existing item from the drop down list or enter a new item. Enter the quantity. The Unit Price from the master list is used to calculate the amount. Of course you can override the Unit Price and Dollar Amount.
Payment Distribution: These 3 columns are the same as in your accounting. They can be left blank until a payment is made. You have the option of consolidating all items into one item code by entering the item code that should receive the Total Invoice Income in the “Total Distribution Only” item code box.
Print These Reports!
Reports below that are Bold Blue Text can be viewed in your browser by clicking on the report title (will open in new browser tab).
Custom Planting that was PAID In-full 4 days later.
Products with Discount and shipping to a dealer.
Payment on Account for Consulting.
Sales Tax on Products but not on Custom Work.
Landlord Settlement for Shared Rent with 50-50 split.
Statement with Interest and Sales Tax charges
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