
Providing Farmers and Ranchers with Computer Solutions for over 35 years.
Farm Biz Users' Comments

"Farm Biz is truly one of the easiest Farm Accounting Programs to use. Your Chart of Accounts is already created. Farmers love its' simplicity. Farm Biz is extremely fast and easy for a Windows accounting program."

Al Brudelie, Dean of Management Education Minnesota West College, Jackson, Minnesota

"We chose Farm Biz because the accounting is very easy to understand and the reports are excellent. Our banker has been very impressed with the reports that it produces. Thank you SDS for helping this beginner out big time."

Alan & Kathy Olson, New London, MN

"Farm Biz was the first computerized program my wife and I purchased. Being computer illiterate, Farm Biz was very easy to get started with. We were very surprised at how fast we caught on. Our banker and accountant were very impressed with the reports that the program could develop for them. It was just what they were looking for.

The Farm Biz program was very affordable and fit well into our budget, and we recommend it to anyone looking for farm software."

Lonnie Coradt, Clintonville, WI

My Field Users' Comments

"My Field keeps track of my input costs and it computes the profit or loss for each field. The program shows the true cost of production per acre. My landlords appreciate the complete information I give them!"

Kevin Spencer, Rantoul, Kansas

Ultra Farm Users' Comments

"One important truth that I have learned is that, Labor does not equal progress. Labor plus skills equals progress. Ultra Farm has enabled me to learn new hands on skills. It gives me the correct information and facts when I need them for making informed decisions and conducting business meetings. For me the check writing capability is one of the best features. I have been able to learn these skills at my own pace while I was making the change from labor to management."

Duane Botzek. Henry & Botzek Dairy, Foley Minnesota

"What sold me on the program was the budgeting capability and the ease of starting the budget. We also like the Cashflow and Profit & Loss statements."

Dean and Jane Pretzer, Diller Nebraska

"Ultra's superb single entry capability along with its' excellent report generation and ease of use makes it the program of choice for family farms in our area."

Tim Huber, Instructor Adult Farm Management Bowdle, South Dakota

"After completing a three hour classroom workshop we started using the Ultra program. Because of the programs' user friendliness and the classroom instruction, it saved my husband and me hours of learning time."

Steve and Diane Citterman, Ivanhoe, Minnesota

"For farm records and farm related business', Ultra Farm is a complete record system with excellent technical assistance."

Dennis and Karen Walker, Pagosa Springs, Colorado

"I found the Ultra Farm user friendly. You always know where you stand at the end of each month. The bottom line is most important in our farming operation and Ultra Farm helps in tracking it."

Marcy Mortenson Thisius, Amboy, Minnesota

Page last modified on 10/04/2020 18:55:25 GMT