Farm Biz to Ultra Farm Windows Upgrade

Providing Farmers and Ranchers with Computer Solutions for over 35 years.
Farm Biz Upgrade to Ultra Farm for Windows

Farm Biz is an intermediate level program that helps you manage your finances and introduces you to the benefits of Production Analysis by enterprises.

When you need more Checkbooks, Financial Reports, Inventory Control, Payroll and Production Analysis, your next move is to Ultra Farm for Windows.

Valued Customers receive a $225.00 discount when they upgrade from Farm Biz to Ultra Farm. So we can process your order correctly we need your Farm Biz serial # (SN#). The SN# can be found on the CD received with your most recent order/update.

These features make Ultra Farm the complete system for you.

  • Five Checkbooks with Balancing on-screen as each entry is input.

  • Vendors for three Vendor Types; Money Borrowed, General and Labor (contract or payroll employees). Vendor Preferences allows you to setup the most likely items used for each vendor. Using Vendor Preferences cuts 1/3 to 1/2 of your data entry time!

    Flexible features let you setup percentages that can be split between farm and personal shares, examples: telephone, electricity, and other utilities. You can also use dollars for the same payments made monthly, example: Internet Service or cable/satellite Television. This feature is so flexible you can simply leave the dollar amount blank and enter the changing dollar amounts when you go to use the Vendor, example: crops sold or cattle purchased.

  • Payroll is included and fully interactive with the rest of the system.

  • Check Writing with aged Accounts Payable for all five (5) Checkbooks.

  • IRS Information Returns 1099 & W-2's.

  • Tax Schedules F, 4797, A, B, C, D, E.

  • The last transaction date is carried forward to be used in your next transaction and is put in for you. When you tap the plus or minus keys the date gets larger or smaller.

  • The check number adds one to the last number used and puts it in for you on a new transactions.

  • The type ahead feature for Vendors and Item/Categories lets the computer bring up the most likely choice. You can type either the vendor code or the name and it will find it after only two or three letters. The Item Code Description works the same way.

  • When you finish a field of data if you prefer to press enter or the tab key or click the mouse you will fall in love with the flexibility of Ultra Farm for Windows. They all work the same.

  • Transaction Register by check or deposit of all entries for the year can be pulled up with one click as you are entering transactions. This register can be viewed in its entirety from the very first transaction for the year to the last transaction. The entire list can be sorted by check #, date, vendor name, or dollar amount. Just click the "Sort" button and click your choice for sequence.

    This feature is really handy to locate a transaction you want to edit. Just mark the transaction and then click View/edit and you will be at the data entry screen with all the detail information so you can make a change. Any change will adjust the checkbook balance right before your eyes.

  • Every month when you open your bank statement. All of your outstanding checks and deposits not cleared are listed. A calculated beginning balance matches the Bank Statement Beginning Balance.

    All you need to do is click the cleared box on the same line as the check or deposit. With each click the totals for DepositsWithdrawals, and Ending Balance change their value. So you can see your results with every click. When you finish clicking, the ending balance will match the bank statement . If you like speed, you can just tap the space bar repeatedly to clear a long series of checks.

  • The Chart of Accounts can be expanded with sub-accounts. A fourth digit represents a sub-account for up to 36 additional breakdowns. For example machinery fuel can be separated into 743.G for Gas, 743.D for Diesel and 743.P for Propane.

  • Perpetual Inventory Control that tracks all activity through the financial system without any extra keying. Both perpetual and physical inventory can be mixed for the same farm.

  • Check Writing, Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable are all built into Ultra. These features even include Automatic Withdrawal/Deposits that will save countless hours of time.

  • Cashflow Planning provides up to 5 year Long Range Budgeting. Cashflows include Actuals, Plans, Combined Plan/Actual - Year by Month, Combined Year by Quarter, Combined Quarter by Month and Cashflow with Credit Activity.

  • All reports print to the screen, printer, or both. Selections for printing are made on a report basis, so you can select several reports to print with different criteria all in the same report printing session.

  • Reports can be split for multiple owners or consolidated allowing for selection of any one of the twenty-five different checkbook combinations.

  • Data is automatically converted from Farm Biz to Ultra Farm. No additional conversion programs or hidden costs. So your valuable data is always usable and you can upgrade at anytime during the year.

  • A Balance Sheet including Beginning and Ending Market and Book Values with Farm Liquidity & Solvency Ratios. Supporting Schedules include each Crop Enterprise for Sale, for Feed, and Sealed; each Livestock Enterprise with numbers born, died, transferred, sold, purchased; plus much, much more.

  • Production Analysis by the month that keeps track of births, deaths, birth weights, weaning weights, and pre- weaning death loss percentages.

  • Profit Analysis for Livestock that includes placing a dollar value on home grown feeds that should be charged to each Enterprise.

  • Crop Break-even Analysis that breaks down your fertilizer, chemicals, seed, land rent, etc.; by field, by acre and by bushel. Allocated costs include overhead, family living and equipment ownership.

  • Data is converted directly to Finpack. The Ultra Item Codes are cross matched to the University of Minnesota FINAN program produced by the Center for Farm Financial Management.
Sample Reports

Balance Sheet
Crop & Livestock Supporting Schedule
Production Analysis Report
Crop Break-even Analysis

System Requirements

  • Pentium III or faster with a minimum of 32 MB of Ram
  • Hard Disk with 100 MB Free Space
  • CD Drive (If no CD drive is available, order the flash drive media.)
  • Monitor and graphics card that supports 800 X 600 or Higher Resolution
  • Any Windows Compatible Printer
  • All Versions of Windows including: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP and 2000 or Macintosh with one of the following: Virtual PC, Boot Camp, or Parallels Software

Page last modified on 09/17/2024 14:56:33 GMT